July 8, 2018 Morning Fire Update

Smoke from Fire 062 as seen from Island 1076

07/08/18 NASA MODIS Imagery showing fires surrounding Temagami

A quick update on what has changed overnight

Fires within the Municipality:

Fire 14 – L TEM – east of Cross bay – from Being Held to Under Control – no change in size (8 ha.)

Fire 21 – L TEM – NE arm by Briggs camp – from Being held to Under control – No change in size (2 ha.)

Fire 35 – Mountain Lake (Best twp) – from Being Held to Under Control – no change in size (1.6 ha.)

Fire 20 – South of Bob Lake (Canton Twp) – OUT @ 0.3 ha.

Fire outside the Municipality:

Fire 44 – East of Holdridge lake (Gladman twp) – OUT @ 0.2 ha

Fire 28 – Hwy 64 (Bastedo twp) – OUT @ 0.8 ha

Fire 50 – Hwy 805 – Mcnich Creek – OUT @ 0.1 ha.

Fire 25 – Sudbury ? – grown from 77 to 123 ha.

Fire 54 – confirmed July 7th – South of Alice Lake (Hartle Twp) – grown from 1 to 2.5 ha

Fire 56 – confirmed July 7th – East of Moose head lake (Hartle twp) – grown from 0.1 to 0.2 ha

Fire 19 – Naysmith creek (Shelburne twp) – grown from 1 to 5 ha.

Fire 62 – confirmed July 7th – Hand lake (McWillims Twp) – grown from 75 to 200 ha.

Been no other changes in status or size of all other fires in North Bay FMA

Currently the number of fire in the Municipality is now 18 (down from 19) with

11 fires listed as NOT Under Control, and 7 fires listed as Under Control

I suspect that Fire 62 will be visible from Lake Temagami today and likely the source of most of the smoke residents were smelling last night & again today

Fire and Storm Update

Peter Healy reports that severe winds on Thursday evening and Friday morning fanned fires but all are under control.

Thunderstorms late Thursday afternoon started a fire near the entrance to Kokoko Bay but quick response initiated by Barett at Temagami Electric rallied volunteers to deal with it.  When I arrived all was under control with many extra volunteers nearby to help if needed. Friday brought a message from Obabika Inlet of a fire on the mainland which must have been festering overnight.  Volunteers from Russells (1092)  received a radio call after TLA office hours from the Thomsons on 1136 about a fire on the mainland.  Without telephone messaging available, MNRF was contacted, the Russells sent a boat to assess, and MNRF was advised that the situation was non life or property threatening.  MNRF will so what they do so well.

On another note our condolences to the owner of the vehicle pictured above thanks to a photo from Samantha Gebler, a family member from Island 1092.  The high winds Thursday evening and Friday morning remind us all that trees do come down, even if we don’t hear them.  The Geblers have offered a ride home to the owners of the vehicle if require as they live nearby according to the plate number.

July 5, 2018 Forest Fire Update

Peter Healy reports that fires are still burning around Lake Temagami. While no new fires were reported yesterday the smell of smoke is in the air. MNRF helicopters, spotter planes and water bombers were in evidence again yesterday.

With a forcast today of temperatures again in the 30+ C range and with potential thunderstorms forcast for this afternoon it promises to be an interesting day.

Temagami fire chief Jim Sanderson reported yesterday as follows:

I was assured that MNR have crews working on all the fires, some fires are responding better than others but there is no issues anticipated by MNR – one or two are being a little more difficult that the others.

I have been assured north bay MNR fire will contact me if there are any issues that would impact us.

Having this number of lighting fires pop up after a couple of thunderstorms is not unusual. All fires are being actioned- prioritizing resources (water bombers/ helo-bucketing) based on fire behaviour and values in the area. This is what MNR Fire does, and they are exceptionally good at what they do.


Burning permits are suspended- recreational campfires still permitted as the Municipal bylaw only applies on private land – I cannot justify telling a cottage owner they can’t have a campfire on their property, yet in the same breath indicate the recreational camper on the Crown campsite can have a fire.

MNRF Forest Fire Maps for northeast Ontario are accessible online here:



Forest Fires on Lake Temagami (July 2018)

Peter Healy reports that there are many fires around Lake Temagami. The TLA radio services has forwarded reports for a number of these to MNRF who have responded with helicopters, spotter planes and water bombers.

Ron Miller sends the following images of fires around Lake Temagami.

Photo 1:

On way up, I saw three fires and on way back counted 10. This one north of Narrows Island should burn itself out. View from Bear Island looking west.

Photo 2:

One fire south of Shiningwood Bay, but a new bigger one north of Mine Road with yellow water bomber working that one. View from looking up Northeast Arm.