
TLA “Town Hall”: Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern


Greetings, TLA Members:

The next in our (occasional) series of virtual “Town Halls” will be held THIS THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, at 8:30 PM Eastern.

This time, we will focus on eco-tourism businesses operating on the Lake and their efforts to responsibly conserve the Temagami experience and contribute to the local economy.

Our panelists will be Dom and Rielly Nobes from Temagami Outdoors, and Ryan Smith from Chic Shore. We invited these business owners and operators to join us because, like many businesses on the Lake, they take pride in supporting all that makes Temagami unique, and their businesses support the objectives in the TLA’s “ONE Temagami” vision (2022) and “Economic-Development Policy (2023)”.

After each panelist has the opportunity to discuss their business and answer questions from the TLA Board, there will also be an opportunity for members to ask questions.

Prior to the “Town Hall”, we invite you to learn more about Temagami Outdoors and Chic Shore, and the TLA’s “ONE Temagami” vision and “Economic-Development Policy”, via the links below:

Temagami Outdoors

 Chic Shore

 ONE Temagami

 Economic-Development Policy for the TLA  (2023)

You can access the Town Hall via the following Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89013631211?pwd=NllBR0hWZnFLR1hqRGlkRVUxckVyZz09.

Thank you very much!  We look forward to seeing you this Thursday at 8:30 p.m.!


Paul Tamburro and your TLA Board of Directors


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