Please take notice that:
The agenda for the Meeting of Council scheduled for Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. has been changed. The agenda that was posted on May 21, 2021 has been adjusted to have only the Broadband Announcement remain. All items related to By-Law 19-1485 including the delegation for that purpose will be moved to a special meeting tentatively scheduled for June 10, 2021, and the remainder of the agenda will be moved to the next regular session of Council on June 17, 2021. Notices and agendas for these meetings will be provided in accordance with our Procedural By-Law.
This change is necessary to provide sufficient time to provide an announcement that will have a significant impact to the future of Temagami both from a quality of life perspective as well as providing more options for future economic development.
As well, moving items related to By-Law 19-1485 will allow comments received after the deadline for the previously issued agenda to be included for Council’s information at the meeting of June 10, 2021. To that end, should you have written comments you would like to make to be considered by Council please ensure they are provided to the Municipal Office by 4:00pm on June 4, 2021 to or the dropbox at the west entrance of the Municipal Office.
We thank you for your understanding of the quick change to the expected agenda however we believe this is in the best interest for a bright future for the Municipality of Temagami.
Please note: Enforcement of By-Law 19-1458 will not occur until after the matter has been considered by Council.