Information from Ontario Power Generation re: Rising Water Levels on Lake Temagami


Due to recent rainfall over the past couple of weeks, we are experiencing high rates of runoff in many areas across the region – particularly on the Sturgeon watershed. As a result, the water level on Lake Temagami has risen quickly due to high inflows, and the elevation is currently above the normal operating maximum.

We are utilizing the flood allowance at Lake Temagami, which is a 20-cm range between 294.00 m and 294.20 m (above sea level). The current elevation at Lake Temagami is 294.02 m (i.e., 2 cm into the flood allowance). Due to a natural restriction in the water body at the Cross Lake Dam, it is challenging to discharge a higher flow from the Lake. We are, however, currently discharging the maximum amount possible.

Rain is forecast for this week-end and into early next week, and could bring anywhere from 10 mm – 35 mm of precipitation to the area. If higher amounts of precipitation materialize, we will see further increases in water levels and flows.

As a reminder, you can access the water-level and flow graphs online at:

Please reach out to me ( if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Kate Cantin, Ontario Power Generation


Municipal Fire-Pump Subsidy 2024


The Municipality of Temagami is offering a fire-pump subsidy in 2024 to Lake Temagami residents. The $400.00 subsidies will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Further information can be found in these documents:

2024 Fire Pump Subsidy – Package

2024 Fire Pump Subsidy – Information Sheet

2024 Fire Pump Subsidy – Application and Expression of Interest

2024 Fire Pump Subsidy – Waiver


Break-Up Watch 2024


The TLA is continuing a 20+ year tradition of monitoring ice break-up on Lake Temagami. Warm weather and consistently-poor ice conditions this winter portend an early ice-out date for 2024.

We have our stalwart team of reporters stationed in the South, Southwest, North Arms, and the Hub sharing boots-on-the-ground progress. In addition, we look forward to providing drone, aircraft, and satellite imagery, weather permitting.

Our expert observers and their “Official Ice-Out” predictions are as follows:

  • Bob Farr (Bear Island):
  • Jackie Hodgins (Wanapitei): April 22
  • Don Johnson (SW Arm): April 21
  • Nolan Jorgenson (SW Arm): April 18
  • Aaron Nelles (Bear Island): April 20
  • Bruce Rice (South Arm): April 14
  • Sacha Stephens (Western Hub): April 22
  • Penny St. Germain (Wabikon): April 19

Note: Our definition of ice-out is no remaining ice on Lake Temagami. Ice-out last year was May 8th.

Stay tuned for regular updates on the TLA website, TLA Member Community (, Temagami Talk, and Our Temagami Facebook pages.

Comprehensive historical data is available on the TLA website:

Paul Tamburro