No Camping: Grave Site on Island #895, Lake Temagami

October 6, 2014 
Dear Lake Temagami Residents, Campers, and Houseboat Patrons: 
Re: Temagami First Nation and Teme-Augama Anishnabai request your cooperation in protecting a Grave Site on Island #895, Lake Temagami – see attached map: Burial Site Austin BayV3 

On Saturday July 6, 2013, a grave was inadvertently uncovered by campers. According to the pathologist report, the person was an Anishnabai-Kwe (native woman) between the ages of 10 – 20, who would have been interred around the turn of the last century.

On July 10, 2013, a pipe ceremony was conducted and she was re-interred on site.
Under the authority of Section 28 (1) of the Public Lands Act (RSO, 1990), at Island 895, Lake Temagami, the Ministry of Natural Resources authorized and erected four (4) NO TRESPASSING and five (5) NO CAMPING signs.

Despite the no camping and trespassing signs, both houseboats and campers continue to use the site. We are requesting your assistance to create awareness amongst your residents and patrons about the no camping signs and their purpose, as well as to gain their cooperation. Continue reading

Privy Inspections 2014

privy photoWhile checking campsites this summer, the TLA’s summer staff also worked on repairing and replacing box privies (colloquially known as “thunder boxes”) that were damaged or in poor shape.

Over the last three years, the TLA built about 20 new privies, and 11 of these were installed in various areas of the lake this summer. Read More.