
Candidates for Temagami Municipal Election (Monday, October 24, 2022)


Who can be a Candidate in the Temagami Municipal Election on October 24, 2022?
A Candidate must be:
  • a resident of the municipality, or a non-resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality (or the spouse of such non-resident owner or tenant);
  • a Canadian citizen and at least 18 years-old;
  • not legally prohibited from voting, and not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.

A candidate requires 25 signatures on a nomination form and must pay a fee of $100 ($200 for mayor).

In Ontario municipal elections, candidates are not elected to represent a political party.

Municipal Elections (Association of Municipalities Ontario): www.amo.on.ca/about-us/municipal-101/municipal-elections

2021-2023 Municipal Elections Calendar Ontario

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