
Break-Up Watch 2024


The TLA is continuing a 20+ year tradition of monitoring ice break-up on Lake Temagami. Warm weather and consistently-poor ice conditions this winter portend an early ice-out date for 2024.

We have our stalwart team of reporters stationed in the South, Southwest, North Arms, and the Hub sharing boots-on-the-ground progress. In addition, we look forward to providing drone, aircraft, and satellite imagery, weather permitting.

Our expert observers and their “Official Ice-Out” predictions are as follows:

  • Bob Farr (Bear Island):
  • Jackie Hodgins (Wanapitei): April 22
  • Don Johnson (SW Arm): April 21
  • Nolan Jorgenson (SW Arm): April 18
  • Aaron Nelles (Bear Island): April 20
  • Bruce Rice (South Arm): April 14
  • Sacha Stephens (Western Hub): April 22
  • Penny St. Germain (Wabikon): April 19

Note: Our definition of ice-out is no remaining ice on Lake Temagami. Ice-out last year was May 8th.

Stay tuned for regular updates on the TLA website, TLA Member Community (www.facebook.com/groups/211206275926832), Temagami Talk, and Our Temagami Facebook pages.

Comprehensive historical data is available on the TLA website: https://tla-temagami.ca/environment/water-issues

Paul Tamburro