2019 Canadian Wildfire Information System

Despite the snow cover, April begins the early fire season in Canada, beginning in the western provinces. Natural Resources Canada has enhanced fire weather information for the public on the internet.  The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS)  will create  daily fire weather and fire behavior maps year-round & hot spot maps throughout the forest fire season, generally between May and September.  An interactive GPS based  CWFIS map covers all of Canada and can resolve down to a specific provincial region. By toggling <overlays>, a user can choose to display daily fire danger, active fires, fire weather perimeter estimates, M3 hot spots and fire history. Comprehensive  background on the CWFIS including additional links to fire weather forecasts is accessible online here.

Sudbury Forest 2020-2030 Forest Management Plan

The Ontario Ministry of NAtural Resources and Forestry, Vermilion Forest Management Company, and the Sudbury Local Citizens Committee invite the public to review and comment on the proposed long term management direction for the Sudbury Forest. Information on the planning process, how to get involved, and where to comment is available at the link below. Public comments are due by March 19, 2019.

Proposed Long-Term Management Direction: Sudbury Forest Management Plan


New Temagami Forest Management Plan (2019-2029)

In late January 2019, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), First Management Resource Group Inc. and the Temagami Local Citizens Committee issued a notice that the MNRF Northeast Regional Director had approved the 2019-2029 Forest Management Plan for the Temagami Management Unit. The full plan including  maps, amendments, plan summary  and changes can be downloaded from the MNRF web site. Links to pdf files of the main text document follow:

Plan Text


Supplementary Documentation

Analysis Package

2018 Forest Fire Emergency After-Action Report


At the final 2018 meeting of the Temagami Town Council, the 2018 Forest Fire Emergency After-Action Report was formally received. The Council voted to to accept the Report’s recommendations in principle and directed the Emergency Management Program Committee to develop a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for Council’s consideration and approval. You can download the Report as a pdf document via the link below.

After-Action Report: 2018 Temagami Forest Fire Emergency