
In Search of Candidates for the TLA Board of Directors 2025-2026

The Lake community needs women and men who care about Lake Temagami to join the Temagami Lakes Association (TLA) Board of Directors.

Qualifications Include:

  • membership in the TLA;
  • a desire to become involved in the activities of the Lake community; and,
  • some time to contribute to the Association.

Commitment: This is a three-year commitment and involves approximately one meeting per month (usually via Zoom) and any committee work with which you can assist.

Process: Each year, three (3) seats on the TLA Board of Directors come open for election. A sitting Director may run for re-election for only one (1) additional, three-year term.

Nominations close on May 1 of each year. The election, if required, is completed through confidential ballots that are sent to TLA voting members. Election results will then be shared with the membership.

For Further Information: Contact the TLA at tla@onlink.net.