Nominations for TLA Board of Directors 2024


The Lake community needs women and men who care about Lake Temagami to join the Temagami Lakes Association (TLA) Board of Directors.

Qualifications Include:

  • membership in the TLA;
  • a desire to become involved in the activities of the Lake community; and,
  • some time to contribute to the Association.

Commitment: This is a three-year commitment and involves approximately one meeting per month (usually via Zoom) and any committee work with which you can provide assistance.

Process: Each year, three (3) seats on the TLA Board of Directors come open for election. A sitting Director may run for re-election for only one (1) additional, successive, three-year term. Nominations close on May 1 of each year. The election, if required, is completed through confidential ballots that are sent to TLA voting members. The results will then be announced at the “Annual General Meeting” in July.

For Further Information: Contact the TLA at


Invasive Species Awareness Week (February 26 to March 3, 2024)


Here are some best practices for stopping the spread and propagation of invasive species.

  • Clean off your boots/shoes after a hike to make sure you aren’t carrying any plants or other living things into another environment. The same goes for your boat, trailer, and any fishing equipment.
  • Research before you buy imported plants, and use only local and native flora for your lawn or garden.
  • Do not transport firewood into another area.
  • Try to order goods locally to cut down on the need for international shipping.
  • Don’t buy exotic pets or release them into the wild.
  • Say “no” to the over-development of wetlands and other natural landscapes – especially when that development means creating unnatural passageways between ecosystems, which can cause the spread of invasive species.
  • Get involved and write to your local Members of Parliament to show your support for environmental integrity.