An New Study That Uses 38 Years of Canadian Lakes Loon Survey Data

The Canadian Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS) would like to share an exciting new study that uses 38 years of data from over 1500 lakes to help explain why Common Loons are producing fewer chicks: Drivers of Decline in Common Loon (Gavia immer) Productivity in Ontario, Canada (Science of the Total Environment, 2020). Please feel free to view this document, as the TLA was a past participant in the survey

The study found that declines in the number of loon chicks in Ontario over the past four decades likely result from a complex interplay between damage from acid rain, mercury in fish, and climate change. Similar reasoning may also apply to declines in Common Loon productivity elsewhere across Canada (see our nation-wide study published in 2013).

Thank you to all our present and past participants who have made this possible! The CLLS is also excited to let you know that more research based on your hard-earned data is coming soon. Please watch for updates this fall and early next winter.

Please visit the new CLLS website and volunteer portal. Here they share important information regarding Common Loons, as well as the registration links to join the program.

Ontario Power Generation Water-Level Monitoring Equipment

In an effort to refine its management of water levels on Lake Temagami going forward, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) made a request to install water-level monitoring equipment on the TLA property to supplement what has been in place in the Town of Temagami (near the O.P.P. station) for many decades. The purpose of this apparatus is to acquire data (every few hours), which will permit more accurate monitoring of the water levels on the Lake.

The equipment consists of a solar panel, a battery, and small computer connected to a probe in the water (which has a pressure transmitter). The probe is smaller in size than a man’s wallet and sits on the lake bottom. There is also a staff gauge (similar to a steel yardstick), which lies flat against the end of the TLA’s fixed dock and provides a visual indication of the water level.

The OPG is proposing temporary installation of the monitoring apparatus for the next few months. If the TLA location proves favourable, the equipment could then be bolted more permanently into the bedrock, and a 2’ x 2’ cement block would be put in place to house the computer.

Here are some images of the set-up:

TLA Member Survey 2019

The 2019 TLA membership survey (distributed in the summer) consisted of 10 questions, with response formats ranging from multiple choice to measures of intensity to open-ended questions. In total, we collected 169 responses from the 424 surveys that were distributed.

Respondents indicated that the three most important issues for the TLA were (in order): Promotion of the Tenets; Environmental Protection; and, Relationships with Full-Time Residents (Q1). At the same time, our seasonal-resident members generally look forward to “escaping” during their limited vacations, and social interaction is mostly within their respective Lake neighborhoods (Q9). They try to support local merchants where they can.

Strength of support for the Tenets was probed (Q5), as were member views toward development on the Lake (Q4). The Tenets remain at the core of member principles, but some members also support the idea that some development is important when in close proximity to the Town of Temagami.

Of the services provided by the TLA (Q2), members ranked the following most favorably (in order): Zoning Review and Oversight (related to development in Q4); Water Quality Testing; and, Publication of the Temagami Times.

Members believe that the TLA is important and effective, and most indicated that it supports their interests (Q6). Our relatively stable membership numbers further reinforce this evaluation.

In the open-ended question at the end of the survey (Q10), members’ concerns were highly varied. Key issues of concern not covered in the survey, but articulated by members, included:

• environmental issues
• invasive species (with an emphasis on education)
• taxes
• cellphone service
• communication and interaction with Temagami First Nation and Permanent Residents
• the new Official Plan
• health/vibrancy of the Town of Temagami
• Lake Temagami Access Road and landing area issues

Questions 7 and 8 related to member participation on the TLA Board of Directors and various Committees. Some members indicated interest in this regard.

Graphic representations of responses to Questions 1 to 6, and Question 9 can be found here: TLA Member Survey 2019 (Summary)