Municipality of Temagami – SPECIAL Council Meeting


Please note the “Special” Council meeting that has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 12 at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.

The purpose of this meeting is to further discuss the 2023 Municipal Budget, including the Waste Transfer Station Proposal (see pages 1 of 45 to 9 of 45 in the “Meeting Package”).

Special Council Meeting – Agenda (April 12, 2023)

Special Council Meeting – Meeting Package (April 12, 2023)

Zoom Link:


Underused Housing Tax (UHT) Penalties and Interest Waived (CRA Update from March 27, 2023)


Dear TLA Members from the USA, UK, Germany, and Australia,

As a Lake Temagami property owner, you are most likely exempt from paying the UHT. A substantial fine can, however, be applied if your UHT form is not filed on time. The good news is that the Canada Revenue Agency recently decided not to apply a fine if your return is filed by October 31, 2023.

Here is a statement from the website:

“The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) understands that there are unique challenges for affected owners in the first year of the Underused Housing Tax Act (UHTA) administration.

To provide more time for affected owners to take necessary actions to comply, the Minister of National Revenue is providing transitional relief to affected owners. The application of penalties and interest under the UHTA for the 2022 calendar year will be waived for any late-filed underused housing tax (UHT) return and for any late-paid UHT payable, provided the return is filed or the UHT is paid by October 31, 2023.

This transitional relief means that although the deadline for filing the UHT return and paying the UHT payable is still April 30, 2023, no penalties or interest will be applied for UHT returns and payments that the CRA receives before November 1, 2023.”

Please click on the following link for further details:


Comments on Revised Amendments to Ontario Regulation 161/17 Regarding Floating Accommodations


Amendments to Ontario Regulation 161/17 under the Public Lands Act (initially proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on February 24, 2023) – which clarified the types of accommodation units that could be used to camp on water over public land, and the conditions that must be met when doing so – were welcomed.

Such changes would help to decrease negative environmental impacts, reduce obstacles to navigation, and ensure that the rights of property owners and other recreational users (e.g., canoeists, boaters) to enjoy these waterways are taken into consideration.

Information on this initiative was shared in a TLA blog posting on March 13, 2023.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, however, made some concerning modifications to the original proposal on March 16, 2023. These changes would remove several conditions/restrictions that would be beneficial to waterways and many user groups.

Please consider adding your comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario website (ERO # 019-6590) to request that some of these conditions be reinstated when updates to the Regulation are finalized. Specifically, it is important to indicate that the following conditions should be included among the amendments:

1. reducing the number of days that a person can camp on water over public land (per location, per calendar year), from 21 days to 7 days;

2. increasing the distance that a person camping on water must move their camping unit to a different location, from 100 metres to 1 kilometre; and,

3. prohibiting camping on water within 300 metres of a developed shoreline, including any waterfront structure, dock, boathouse, erosion-control structure, altered shoreline, boat launch, and/or fill.

Feel free to use this message as a reference for the wording of your submission. Comments must be submitted by April 11, 2023.

Note: Before making a submission on the ERO website, you must first create an account. It’s a simple process, requiring only a user name, your e-mail address, and a password.