About the TLA

What we do-cover image

History Of The TLA:

The Temagami Lakes Association was founded in 1931 by a group of concerned cottage owners who were interested in environmental quality and the future of the Lake.

After almost 90 years, the TLA has more than 600 members (most of whom are cottage owners from all corners of the Lake), as well as numerous commercial members and non property owners who support the mission of the organization.


The TLA provides many important services to members, such as a property patrols, and VHF radio communication – which links members to one another and provides a means to rally the entire community in case of an emergency (e.g., fire). The TLA provides many other communication opportunities: e-mail, fax, and telephone access, and mail delivery (through its Headquarters Building in the Hub of the Lake); an annual Directory of Members; and, the Temagami Times newspaper (which is published three times per year and mailed to all property owners in the Municipality of Temagami).

Policy and Planning:

The TLA is more than a provider of important services. It plays an invaluable policy and planning role to ensure the environmental and aesthetic protection of the “Temagami Experience”. Through various planning and zoning activities, the TLA was responsible for the development of the “Tenets for Temagami”, which ensure the preservation of the Skyline Reserve and limit future road access and mainland development. Through the involvement of the TLA, the “Tenets for Temagami” were incorporated into the Municipality of Temagami’s “Official Plan” and are also reflected in its zoning by-laws.

Environmental Concerns:

As the largest representative group of property owners and others, the TLA communicates frequently with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry about fish, wildlife, and other natural resources of importance to the Lake. It articulates concerns to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks and Ontario Power Generation about lakewater levels that are controlled by the dam at Cross Lake. The TLA also communicates regularly with, and represents the interests of cottage owners to, the municipal government – especially in matters of planning, zoning, the Lake Temagami Access Road, and taxation.


The TLA is more than a stakeholder group engaged in the discussion. It believes that actions also speak louder than words. In 2010, the association initiated and invested in a lake-wide, water-quality, monitoring program to evaluate water quality on a regular basis and compare the results over time. In addition the TLA has a campsite-monitoring program which is designed to report on campsite conditions and clean up garbage. For the past several seasons, the TLA has also offered its members a drinking-water testing program, whereby water samples are taken from kitchen taps and delivered to a lab for analysis. Water-testing kits and environmentally-friendly soap products are available for sale at the TLA headquarters building, as well.

Social Events and Community Support:

The TLA provides several, enjoyable social opportunities on the Lake (e.g., “Welcome Back BBQ”, Annual General Meeting). The association supports local initiatives, such as the Temagami Area Fish Involvement Program (TAFIP) and the restoration of the historic Train Station in the Town of Temagami. The TLA also periodically re-publishes navigation maps of the Lake, which are available elsewhere on this site or at the Headquarters Building. In many ways, the TLA serves as the voice, eyes, and ears of cottage owners and others who value the “Temagami Experience”. An investment in a TLA membership is akin to purchasing an insurance policy that protects the Lake. We welcomes new members – property owners and others, alike. Please click here to join.